My week so far


On Monday, we started the day with maths, learning a new topic- Adding and subtracting fractions, after that section of learning, we did 2 laps around the field as a brain break, as usual, I walked most of the way, after walking, we came back and did code, boring as ever, anyway, after code, we headed out into break only to be disrupted because of the rain making everyone come back inside.

When the bell went, we did reading, the book we read this week was- Beans on toast, it was a pretty eventful book full of twists and breaks(Pun intended) all we got was reading that block. when the next bell went, I stayed in class doing art as usual waiting for the bell to go again.

As the last block came around it was sex ed, that day we learnt about the girls bodies, as they pulled up a picture of a females vagina, lots of kids ran into the other room, to read. Those kids were: Ayaana, Noah, Gemma, and Slayde, they didn’t like that block very much. Halfway through the block, Me, Poppy, and Jeremiah went to the community room to continue doing mathex training until the bell went. I then went to the bus, heading home.



On Tuesday, we started the day with maths, still doing addition and subtraction, I was quite bored but worked with Annika to do so. As my brain break rolled around, I only did one lap due to walking so slow. We did code after that, doing the same things, writing exactly the same we did the previous day. people went out, and I stayed in, doing my art like I do. People came back and we did literacy for a while before heading to do Taha Tinana with Matua Burn doing a new sport I don’t remember the name of, as usual, I didn’t even get to touch the ball so I felt left out. We headed back to class and did writing for a while before being let out for break again, I stayed in class again as usual doing art again before bell went and everyone came back in and we did writing for the rest of the block and headed home.



Today, we did Math doing exactly the same we did the past 2 days, adding and subtracting fractions,  still, as boring as ever. But today, we had Mrs Rina as a teacher aid, shes pretty cool so I was happy about it. Brain break came around and I did 3 laps, a little bit of running, jogging and walking all combined, when we came back into class we did code before heading out into break again, I still stayed in class doing art, doing details to finish my artwork that I was really proud of so far. People came back in and Matua Joel was telling stories to try and entertain us before we went to the gymnasium but it was already booked out for volleyballers so we went out to the grassy patch next to the gym and were told more stories while we sat in the sun to relax. After a while, we went back into the gym and joined the game of volleyball going on, it was confusing how they set out the players but I did really well said by one of my teammates. After that, we headed back to class to sit there for a while before going out to break, that time I was forced out of the class to “get some sun” anyway, after that break, we came back in and now we’re caught up to the present of me writing this.



Important Historical Figures of New Zealand

My Character is – Sir Apirana ngata

D.O.B to D.O.D -3rd of July 1874-14 of July 1950

Place he was born-Te Araroa


He became the minister of Maori addairs and led the maori land development scheme inaugrated in 1931, being one of the greatest achievements of his career.

Ngata was knighted in 1927 in recognition of his services to the maori communities and for his efforts as chief recruting officer during the first world war.

Story from his childhood-

Ngata was raised in a Maori enviroment, speaking the Maori language, but learnt about the Pakeha world, believing  that this understanding would be of benefit to Ngati Poru. Ngata attended Waiomatatini Native School before moving onto te aute college until 1890. He was a political and cultural leader of the maori community in New Zealand, he was a major force behind the improvement of the goverment policy toward the Maori in the early 20th century.

My day today

At the start of the day, we did maths, we learnt about possibilities by rolling a 6 sided dice 120 times, at the end we got everyone’s results and found out the possibilities by doing quick and simple math.


After math, we had a quick, 10 minute brainbreak, doing 3 laps around the field, at first, I refused until me and my friends were forced out of class due to Matua Joel yelling out “If you don’t come out here now, you’ll have to do 10 laps!” so of course, me and my friends hurried out and did the 3 laps.


After the brainbreak, we did more work on math for a while before then heading onto code, I have a seperate group so we headed into room 2 to do code, it was really loud but we eventually finished and got around 12 minutes of free time before heading out into the first break.


A couple of students including me stayed in the backroom, cleaning it up so we could work back there if we wanted to.

When the bell went, we had lunch, it being butterchicken, as each table went up I got hungrier before getting my own food to finally eat, during eating, Matua Joel played a heap of short animations full of meanings, they were entertaining and as the same, funny.

As we finished eating, we heading onto reading for 45 minutes, doing our work we’ve been doing all week, me and my friends worked on a new zealand map, marking the places important to us.

When we finished, the people done their speeches read their speech, the first to go was poppy, her speech being about sleep and growing taller, I thought she spoke too quickly so I didn’t really understand her. Annika went next, she started strong but quickly started speeding up and her speaking went quieter, so I didn’t really understand her either.

As the speeches finished, we headed into do Taha Tinana with Matua Burns, we played chair wars, it was extremely competitive.

When we had finished, we went into break, Matua Joel somehow knew I had my phone but let Me keep it, my heart skipped a beat then I believed. Me, Ollie, Ayaana, and Rachael, stayed outside, talking until the bell went.

Now we’re caught up the the present time, we’re writing and making a blog just to catch up on our day.

Thats all so far, thanks for reading. My day was great so far.

About Gossip

David and Rachel had a big fight at lunch in the cafeteria right at your table. There were not many people around because lunch had just started. You, however, were there, and you heard and saw everything. It was the biggest shock because everyone thought they would be friends

forever. Throughout the day both seemed to be near tears, but they were not talking—to each other or anyone else. You are the only one who really knows what happened, so everyone rushes to you to find out the truth.

explaining your answers to the following questions:


How do you decide what information, if any, to share? 


Whom would you share it with? 


What effect will your actions have on the situation?


1.If I were to decide to share any information it’d only be to the teachers, maybe some of my friends and that’s about all.


2.My friends, Teachers, etc.


3.It wont really impact it by much unless it were to spread around the school.

My Robot Mcdonald worker.

This week, we’ve been reading a book called “Emotional robot” It’s about how Soul Machines have been making robots that look and act exactly like humans! One of our tasks were to make a robot using google drawings.

This is my Robot, his name is Donald and he is a Mcdonalds cashier worker, his purpose is to take your order.

My Art

Last week, I drew a character from my game I usually play, its called an Angelic warden and its basically like one of the gods in the game, the character looks like an angel that holds a spirital orb in its hand/paw, the creature usually flies around lingering around the dying creatures/Humans in its world until they pass, where then they’d lead them into the afterlife, the more creatures or humans it guides, the more eyes it will receive on their body.

Anyway, I hope you like my art!
